Handle the work, without the headcount
Automate your tasks effortlessly with ready-to-use workflows. No accounts required, no complex setup – just powerful automation that works.
Find qualified leads
Track brand mentions
Resolve support tickets
AI, the way you want it.
Choose how and when you want to utilize your team of AI employees
Exactly what you need, when you need it
Use simple workflow pages to get results, on your schedule.
- Generate contracts and legal documents
- Create brand logos and visual assets
- Draft social media posts and campaigns
- Generate custom reports and analytics
Tools that pay for themselves, not the other way around.
Your own automation workforce, in just a couple clicks
Easy to Set Up Workflows
Create powerful automations in minutes with pre-built workflows. No need for scary workflow builders.
Pay for Results
Only pay when your workflows run. No hidden costs.
Secure Built-in Storage
Manage all of your data easily with built-in storage. No external services or additional configuration needed.
Seamless App Integrations
Connect instantly with our suite of partner tools. No separate accounts required.
Select Workflow
Choose from our library of pre-built automation workflows
Configure Settings
Customize the workflow parameters to match your needs
Run Workflow
Run your workflow and set up your own schedule
Simple, Transparent Pricing
Only pay for the actions you use. No subscriptions, no hidden fees.
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about SumoFlow
Ready to transform your workflow?
Start automating in seconds with our AI-powered platform. No sign-up required, pay only for what you use.